Monday, May 19, 2008

Blog is moving

Being the control freak I am and wanting more control over my blog, I'm now hosting it myself using WordPress. It's now located at See you there!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

ProxyLoader Class

With my latest project I had lots of external assets loading. I wanted to make sure people knew something was happening while an asset was loading and I didn't want to create a preloader everytime, in comes ProxyLoader.
ProxyLoader is simply a Sprite that takes care of loading the asset via a Loader, draws a preloader, and border. It then destroys the preloader after the asset has been loaded.
One feature I added to this Class is the ability to create any type of visual preloader using the IPreloadable interface. So you can have a text preloader of one type of asset and a Movieclip for another as long as it implements the interface.
You can use the class in a very similar fashion as Loader, but you need to pass a width and height argument.

var loader:ProxyLoader = new ProxyLoader(435, 250);
loader.load(new URLRequest(""));

If you want to see the methods I have posted some docs here. You can download the package here. Hope it helps someone out.

New Site -

Over the past 2 months I've been really busy developing and building a new AS3 site for Masterlift called Forked Up. It's a new reality TV series similar to American Hot Rod, but with forklifts. They're trying to have this show picked up by one of the networks here in Canada and the pilot looks fairly interesting.
I built the client side Flash, server sided PHP Classes and the database. It is now officially the largest project I've ever undertaken by myself. The previous was also a job from Masterlift, pimpmylift.

Hope you enjoy it.