Thursday, April 5, 2007

Crazy or genius?

I resisted posting this for a variety of reasons but I figured I'd give in.
If anyone has seen the movie EdTV then you may get a kick out of this. A new website (social experiment) has started with the same premise as EdTV. It's called aptly enough, A guy named Justin wears a webcam that's online 24/7.

Now based on the fact it's very difficult to connect and lately it's getting worse, I think it's growing in popularity. But I have to ask why? Why is it that we want to see someone' s boring daily life. Is it human nature just to see what someone has and compare ourselves to them? Or is it something else? Personally I think this experiment (if you can call it that) is ludicrous. But I think I'm in the minority. And the fact I'm posting this must mean I been affected some how.

Take a look and judge for yourself. Are you compelled to watch? or do you just walk away?

BTW - A very cool project I been working for a forklift company is due to launch Monday. I'll post a link when its live.