Thursday, November 23, 2006

To 3, or not to 3

I've always thought I knew a fair bit about Actionscript. That was until I really started reading up on it and try to learn as much as possible to become certified. Boy, was I wayyyy off. I knew very little. After reading several books, doing some projects, and some experiments I think I'm making some headways into Actionscript. Now I've come to a crossroad. After reading some preliminary information, and learning some new tricks I'm really tempted to start learning AS3.
The problem I have with switching is my job doesn't really require it. Most projects I work with don't need it and now that I feel I'm starting to get a grip on AS2 jumping to AS3 may be a mistake. But I really, really want to learn!
I guess logic dictates that I wait until industry demands it. I'll keep reading up on it to stay on track, but for formally diving into it I'll just wait.
Hey, blogging does help. I found a solution and I wasn't even looking ;)